Friday, August 5, 2011

What College Students Need (pilot)

[note: Yes, I am starting a new blog. I am not getting rid of my old one, but instead, breaking it up into three blogs. I'm hoping to attract a few more followers, based on what they are more interested in reading. Mozart and Chocolate will deal with random thoughts, and kind of whimsical posts like it always has. However, anything related to college life will be moved into this blog, which will consist of regularly written posts related to college stuff. The last post, "Tolkien and Taters," is a remake of an old blog that I haven't updated in months. Once I start posting again, it will deal primarily with books, class lectures, literature, and maybe religion.]

This is the first post of my new blog, The College Student's List! What I'm hoping to do is to build a series of posts on college-related subjects (while I will try and keep the same tone as Mozart and Chocolate, the subject material will be more specific, and the posts will be much shorter, on average). Most posts will involve some sort of list, and I would love if people contributed in the "comments" section under here (which I have deliberately left open for anybody to respond to), with additions to the lists, stories, other ideas for college-related posts, or whatever else you can think of.

So. To begin. The things nobody tells you that you really do need in college:

  • Command strips (<---link). Get them nao. They hang up your posters, hooks (to hold bags), hold wires/cables, etc, without taking off half the wall at the end of the year. The trick is getting them off correctly, but I assure you that it is quite possible. I will write a "how to" post if necessary-- I will even walk over to your dorm and take everything down without tearing a single strip of wall paint or a single poster in return for more command strips-- but these little things are the best. 
J Biebs would look much nicer on the wall with some command strips

  • Dishsoap. You will want this. If not for yourself, for the friend who needs it, doesn't have it, never buys it, and leaves you with dirty dishes all over your suite. Or, you could get it and be the only one in your hall who has it, and make money off of lending it to people. You'd be so rich by the end of the year that you basically wouldn't even need to go to college anymore-- you could just retire and move to the French countryside with a bottle of wine and some horses and laugh at the people who didn't bring dishsoap. But seriously. Get it. You will not regret it.
Do you want your sink to look like this? I think not.
  • Granola Bars. These little things are great for when you have an eight thirty class, a nine thirty class, a ten thirty class, and an eleven thirty class, and due to all the, um, studying you were doing the night before, you miss your alar-- I mean, you feel like you should probably sleep in until eight twenty five, to maximize your sleeping time. Even if you're not a breakfast person, classes can last a loooooooong time at that hour of the morning. And freshmen: do not say that you're an early riser. Because you're not. You just don't know it yet. 
This is what you look like a minute before your alarm goes off. And quite possibly, an hour afterwards.

Soooo....what else did people realize that they needed in college after the year had already started? I will bake cookies for whoever responds. (am I telling the truth? Respond and find out!)


  1. Rainboots! No one likes wet, soggy feet walking through campus and then having to sit with the uncomfortable-ness through class. Also, they have great traction so you won't slip and fall on the wet tile in the building your classes are in that you entered a bit to quickly to escape the outside weather, thus causing an embarrassing slip, fall, and spillage of important homework in puddles (might be speaking from personal experience).

  2. Paper Towels! I'm not sure why, but everyone on my freshman floor forgot to buy them and there was a lovely week where we ran to the bathroom for TP every time we needed a napkin. I'd also suggest buying some basic meds (advil, Tums, etc.) and FANS!!! Although, summer heat will probably remind you of the latter soon enough.

  3. I ended up getting rainboots halfway through my freshman year because of that slippery spot in front of Coates (which is gone now!!!), but they were great for rain. Especially since the drainage system apparently sucks at Trinity, so when it did rain, the water would be a couple of inches high, and regular shoes end up drowning. So great. Wooo I owe you cookies!!

    And YES re: paper towels...we ALWAYS needed them, and we NEVER had them. They're just not something you think of buying when you're at the store. And they definitely work far better than toilet paper for napkins. :P And I owe you cookies, too, but you'll have to remind me if I don't see you for a couple of months. :(

    Thanks for responses! :D

  4. I bought rainboots too! I also discovered that Febreeze is a lifesaver, what with all of the people hanging out in our room all of the time, and just general funky dorm odor... I buy massive amounts of the kind for fabric, and spray it all over the curtains/carpet/couch every time I clean.
